
Tower of Babel

Today was a very productive day:  I woke up alive and succeeded in meeting most people at the office and discovering that we're pretty "in demand" among the community and sessions and visitations are still pending.  I got my first Japanese cell phone which is prepaid and they actually had to call it.  I went to several grocery stores and I've realized that my goal for this week will be to no longer be bothered by people staring at me.

I find that all day, I think of things that I want to put in this blog.  It takes everything I have not to jot them all down; but I recognize that I don't think I need to give every detailed moment and that instead I should sift through to find interesting things.  Todays interesting thing is that we were speaking to our leader at lunch (which was really a very delicious soba) and she mentioned the Tower of Babel.

Now, I don't think I've explained yet that my leader, while she's really very well versed in English, makes a great effort to speak Japanese to improve Aurora and myself.  Personally, I sincerely appreciate it and I'm excited for someone to offer that to me!  It was this Japanese that made the Tower of Babel story so interesting!  We were discussing similarities in languages and dialects around the world, and she propose that it was all related to the Tower of Babel and as we progressed all languages became different but, it appears that now we are all heading back to one language.

I don't necessarily want everyone to speak the same language, but it was kind of a cultural revelation for me as I never really thought of Japanese people talking about the Tower of Babel.  I'm going to bet most of you wouldn't either, when you think about it.  That may make me seem a little ignorant, but I'm enlightened now.  When you think about it, that's pretty heavy stuff.


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