So, I stand up to find that there is a man with a travel book that says Japon on it and I realize...HE barely even speaks English most likely! But, we go up and we try to help him with what he needs. Come to find out, he actually is from Spain which was perfect because one lady who works in the office served in like a Peace Corp type thing in Dominica! So, she got to use her Spanish! It was awesome to hear the interaction.
The interesting point about this is he immediately recognized that we weren't from anywhere near Matsuyama and inquired to our hometown to which I immediately replied, Hawai'i.
Then, he looked at us really confused as if to say, "Why are you here?" and then he did ask so we explained about the program and a the US Military and so on and so forth (you can read the introduction post if you don't know why I'm here) and he said, "I don't understand, if you're from Hawai'i why is it your problem?"
Oh, because we're part of the US. I guess he hadn't realized, and then the funniest yet kind of appropriate question came:
"Are you OK with being a part of the United States?"
It was just, funny. You don't need to know how I answered.
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