Today, seemed to be a day as typical as any other at the office. It was after work that things really got interesting:
So, I was on a mission to get ribbon. Naturally, I investigate the cheap discount store first and am disappointed so I went to the big Fuji Grand (which is really the only other place I know unfortunately) but, that was even worse. I knew I had to go back to the discount store...but I was hungry.
I guess hunger equals "No Japanese Skills" because I went to the Food Court and realized I couldn't read the sign saying where to put the McDonalds rubbish. I wanted to go ask the girl but as I walked to the counter...she nodded at me looked scared then walked to the back...ok, no problem.
So, now I'm at KFC and I'm in line and this boy who must be...17 is speaking as fast to me as I speak in English. OK, I guess that's kharma...all I wanted was a 3 piece set and all he wanted to say was that I'd have to wait 2 minutes (you know in America 2 minutes is a given) but no problem. Then, when he brings my French Fries that took 2 minutes to me he was shaking in fear.
I finish my meal and walk past Baskin Robbins where a sample is scooped BEFORE I ask for it and she insists that I try I do, and of course I wanted more so I ended up being swindled into buying a King Size scoop which in Japan is apparently JUST a scoop..they don't fill up the cone at all. I don't know how I feel about that.
The good part comes now:
I went to the Mahalo salon, the one I talked about earlier just to see what it was about and who was representing it. I parked my bike (and left the key in again, I always forget the key) and walked up the stairs. The owner said they closed at problem, I guess I'll just come back I only wanted to see what it was like anyway.
And then, aloha happened.
He recognized and inquired as to whether or not I was from Hawaii and I explained my situation, where he offered to give me a cut at that very moment and at a discount. I've never felt so comfortable in anyplace in Japan as I felt in that salon. Yes, everyone was a little scared but not in fear, it was like they were scared of the mere anticipation that someone from Hawai'i had come to visit. They broke out pictures, and plaques, art from their visits and I was happy. For the very first time, I was extremely happy to be here and I think it was just the recharge I needed.
And, now that it's getting a haircut, it'll be much easier to sit in the office without my head being a sweat sponge.