

Today was a truly blessed day.  It is amazing how accommodating so many people here have been so overwhelmingly hospitable.  Today, was no exception to this trend and I was truly touched by all that was done for us.  Today, we returned to Fuzoku Elementary School where they prepared numerous presentations about Japan and Japanese culture to an extend I'm not even sure is legally possible at any of our schools in Hawai'i.

The entire day, I kept recalling that fact...and it was a little bit embarrassing.  Yes, many people will appreciate the warm welcome the Japanese have shown us but I guess I spent a lot of my day disappointed that there probably isn't the like anywhere in Hawai'i.  How is it that one of the best places in the world, with some of the most hospitable people are incapable of taking care of people to this extent?

I was impressed...but saddened at the same time.  I hope one day, Hawai'i can care as much about the world as the world loves us.



  1. Legally possible? What are these kids doing?

    1. They brought animals, served food, walked around the school all day in large groups...its hard to explain lol
