
Nadeshiko Again

Today we went to Yawatahama and had a marathon of presentations.  In total, we did about 4 of them today and it was quite the undertaking.  We got to meet all sorts of students, and even some exchange students who happened to be visiting for the US.

However, the highlight of my day was not at the school unfortunately.

Yawatahama is famous for Champon Ramen which to me looks a little bit like saimin, but really is a little different (I would hesitate to say better, only because I donʻt want to get anyone mad).  Well, as weʻre leaving I ask to use the bathroom and the woman gestures behind her towards the kitchen and I thought that was pretty weird...but I handed my bag over and then I walked behind the woman...into the kitchen.

Well, it wasnʻt long before everyone cracked up (including other restaurant patrons) and I realized that I had completely passed the bathroom.  In my defense (kind of) the word for bathroom was written in Chinese characters which I canʻt really read, and I never thought to actually look for a sign.

When I came back out, it was pointed out to me that another version of Nadeshiko (the flower which inspired my family crest) was by the register...we explained this to her, and she immediately snapped some flowers and put them in my shirt pocket.

The gesture was so sweet, looking back on it I want to cry.  Iʻm glad I had some omiyage I could give her in my bag!


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