
Parting of Ways

Today was the last day we (I) will have lunch with the interns who came from South America.  I didnʻt really realize it until after lunch was over, but thatʻs kind of sad.  Their classes will be finished as of today and they have a presentation that they will do next Monday and then that is quite basically the end.  Thatʻs been one big surprise this trip:

I didnʻt think that Iʻd have to think about missing people who wonʻt even be in Japan if I come back.  Iʻve actually met a great deal of foreigners who I hope stay in my life; however now itʻs not just a matter of returning to Ehime to see them.  Rather, I will have to actually go to their countries to meet with them again.  With things the way they are in Hawaiʻi, will that be a possibility?

I like to think that I will...but I just think thatʻs another sign of how awesome this opportunity has been. That is, when I signed up to come to Japan I didnʻt expect to open my eyes to so many other parts of the world.  Itʻs nice to be global, but itʻs really humbling at the same time.

Thank you Ehime, for giving me this opportunity.


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